
Publication Start
Publication End
Journal Dates
The Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Printers of Great Britain and Ireland c. 1880–1968
The Amalgamated Society of Paper Makers: Quarterly Report c. 1894–1918
The Amateur Printers’ Journal and Foreign Stamp Gazette c. 1871–1872
The Amateur Printers’ Journal and Philatelists’ Gazette c. 1872–1872
Amateur Printing c. 1895–1914
The Art Decorator c. 1890–1914
The Art Printer & Lithographer c. 1895–1895
Austin Wood & Co.’s Anglo-American Typographia c. 1884–1888
Barnett’s Weekly Printing Trades Gazette and Paper Industries Intelligencer c. 1897–1902
The Bibliographer c. 1881–1884
Bibliographica c. 1895–1897
Book & News Trade Gazette and Newsagents’ Chronicle and the Stationery and Fancy Trades’ Gazette c. 1898–1907
The Book & News Trade Gazette and the Stationery and Fancy Trades’ Gazette c. 1893–1898
Book-Lore c. 1884–1887
The Book-worm c. 1866–1870
The Bookbinder c. 1887–1890
The Bookseller c. 1858–2005
The Bookworm c. 1887–1894
The British & Colonial Printer & Stationer, and Booksellers’ Circular c. 1883–1891
The British & Colonial Printer & Stationer, and Booksellers’ Circular and Paper Trade Review c. 1882–1883
The British & Colonial Printer & Stationer, and Newspaper Press Record c. 1878–1879
The British & Colonial Printer & Stationer, and Paper Trade Review c. 1879–1881
The British & Colonial Printer and Stationer c. 1891–1943
The British Art Printer and Lithographer c. 1895–1895
The British Bookmaker c. 1890–1894
The British Lithographer c. 1891–1895
The British Printer c. 1888–1915
Caslon’s Circular c. 1875–1895
The Caxton Circular and Type Founder c. 1875–1900
The Caxtonian Quarterly c. 1898–1909
The Chromolithograph c. 1867–1869
The Colonial Book Circular and Bibliographical Record c. 1887–1887
The Colonist and Exporter c. 1897–1899
The Colonist, for Printers, Stationers, etc. c. 1896–1897
The Compositors’ Chronicle c. 1840–1843
Electrotypes c. 1891–1897
The English Stationer, Printer, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods Trader c. 1881–1886
The English Typographia c. 1889–1896
The Fancy Trades Register and Trade Circular for Stationers, Printers, Binders, Music, Toy, & Pianoforte Dealers and Manufacturers, etc. c. 1865–1865
The Fleet Street Gazette c. 1874–1874
Haddon’s Diary and Printers’ Guide c. 1899–1901
Hailing’s Circular c. 1877–1889
[The Half-Yearly] Report of the Typographical Association c. 1874–1912
The Imperial Printer c. 1898–1898
J. & R. M. Wood’s Typographic Advertiser c. 1862–1868
The Journal of Printing and Kindred Trades of the British Empire c. 1898–1901
The Journal of the Typographic Arts c. 1860–1862
The Leeds Typographical Circular c. 1888–1894
Linotype Notes c. 1897–1908
Linotype Users’ Association Monthly Circular c. 1897–1901
The Lithographer c. 1870–1874
The Lithographer, Artist, and Engraver c. 1891–1891
The London Press Journal and General Trades Advocate c. 1858–1859
The London Printers’ Circular and Vigilance Gazette c. 1889–1890
The London, Provincial & Colonial Press News c. 1866–1912
Master Printers’ Circular c. 1897–1902
The Modern Printer c. 1884–1885
Monotype c. 1885–1885
Morriss’s Trade Journal c. 1897–1903
The National Typographical Association Half-Yearly Report c. 1845–1846
New Impressions c. 1880–1881
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Typographical Society Tracts [Series 6] c. 1817–1850
The Newspaper Owner and Manager c. 1898–1899
The Newspaper Press c. 1866–1872
The Northern Typographical Union c. 1830–1839
Out on Strike c. 1872–1873
Paper & Printing Bits c. 1898–1900
Paper and Print c. 1879–1884
The Paper and Printing Trades Journal c. 1872–1896
Paper and Pulp c. 1898–1906
The Paper Consumers’ Trade Circular c. 1879–1882
The Paper Exchange News c. 1895–1896
The Paper Makers’ Circular [and Rag Merchants’ and Wholesale Stationers’ Weekly Gazette and Price Current] c. 1874–1907
The Paper Makers’ Monthly Journal c. 1863–1932
Paper Making c. 1881–1964
The Paper Record c. 1886–1893
The Paper Record & Wood Pulp News c. 1895–1895
The Paper Trade Review [Edinburgh] c. 1862–1868
The Paper Trade Review [London] c. 1879–1972
The Paper Trades’ News c. 1860–1861
The Paper-Maker and British Paper Trade Journal c. 1891–1972
The Paper-Makers’ Circular [and Rag Merchants’ Gazette and Price Current] c. 1861–1907
The Paper, Stationery, & Printing Record c. 1893–1895
The Press c. 1899–1902
Print c. 1896–1896
The Printer c. 1883–1888
The Printer, or Compositors’ and Pressmen’s Chronicle c. 1843–1845
The Printer’s Engineer c. 1895–1939
The Printer’s Exchange and Sale Journal c. 1889–1890
The Printer’s Friend c. 1880–1881
The Printers and Kindred Traders’ Monthly Advertiser c. 1894–1898
The Printers and Kindred Traders’ Review c. 1896–1896
The Printers, [Stationers,] & Kindred Traders’ Weekly Advertiser c. 1893–1894
The Printers, Stationers, & Kindred Traders’ Effective Advertiser c. 1884–1898
The Printers’ Friend and Stationers’ Circular c. 1882–1883
The Printers’ International Specimen Exchange c. 1880–1898
The Printers’ Journal and Typographical Magazine c. 1865–1869
The Printers’ Pension, Almshouse and Orphan Asylum Corporation Annual Report c. 1827–1971
The Printers’ Pocket Guide, Ready Reckoner, Almanac, and Diary c. 1899–1914
The Printers’ Register [and Bookbinders’ and Stationers’ Record] c. 1863–1956
The Printers’ Year Book and Diary c. 1899–1903
The Printers’, Bookbinders’, Lithographers’, and Stationers’ Sales and Wants Advertiser c. 1887–1962
The Printing News c. 1892–1894
The Printing Times c. 1873–1874
The Printing Times and Lithographer c. 1874–1891
The Printing Trades’ Diary and Desk-Book c. 1879–1886
The Printing World c. 1891–1911
Process Work c. 1893–1903
The Process Work Yearbook--Penrose's Annual c. 1895–1982
The Provincial Typographical Circular c. 1875–1877
The Publishers’ Circular c. 1837–1959
Salmon’s Printing Trades’ Circular c. 1886–1890
The Scottish Typographical Circular c. 1857–1909
The Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers Annual Reports c. 1885–1980
The Stationer and Fancy Trades’ Register c. 1865–1880
The Stationer and Papermakers’, Printers’, and Bookbinders’ Circular c. 1859–1865
The Stationer, Printer & Fancy Trades’ Register c. 1880–1912
The Stationers’ and Paper Manufacturers’ Trade Almanack c. 1853–1893
The Stationers’ and Printers’ Annual c. 1895–1903
The Stationers’, Printers’ and Bookbinders’ Monthly Journal c. 1861–1861
Stationery and Bookselling c. 1888–1891
The Stationery Trade Review c. 1881–1884
The Stationery Trade Review & Booksellers’ Journal c. 1884–1888
The Stationery Trades’ Journal c. 1880–1921
The Stationery World and Fancy Goods Review c. 1892–1895
The Stationery World and Printing and Allied Trades c. 1895–1916
Stationery, Bookselling, and Fancy Goods c. 1891–1897
The Printing Review c. 1879–1879
The Torch and Colonial Book Circular c. 1887–1892
The Typographic Chronicle c. 1887–1897
The Typographical Circular [London] c. 1854–1858
The Typographical Circular [Manchester] c. 1877–1963
The Typographical Gazette c. 1846–1847
The Typographical Protection Circular c. 1849–1853
The Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular c. 1852–1875
[Fred.k] Ullmer’s Standard Circular c. 1844–1895
The Vigilance Gazette c. 1888–1889
Wood Pulp c. 1896–1898
The World’s Pulp and Paper Industry c. 1898–1900
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