Morriss’s Trade Journal
Subtitle: “A Monthly Review and Record of Matters of Interest to the Paper, Stationery, Printing, Publishing, Fancy Goods, and Allied Trades”
Alternate Subtitle(s)
- A Review of Novelties and New Introductions, and Record of Events of interest and value to all branches of the Stationery, Bookselling, Fancy Goods and Toy Trades (Mitchell’s 1895)
Related Journals
- Stationery Trade Review
- Morris’s was first published as The Stationery Trade Review (1881-1884), Edinburgh
- Stationery Trade Review & Booksellers’ Journal
- Stationery Trade Review evolved into The Stationery Trade Review and Booksellers’ Journal (1884-1888), Edinburgh
- Stationery and Bookselling
- The next iteration of this journal was Stationery and Bookselling (1888-1891), published by J. S. Morriss in London
- British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal
- Morriss's evolved into The British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal (1903-1913), continued by Morriss & Birch
- Caxton Magazine
- The British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal merged into The Caxton Magazine after 1913
Start Date(s)
- 1897 (Bateson)
- 1881 (Willing’s)
End Date(s)
- London, England (journal itself)
Type of Content
- Contains "information on bookselling and publishing, fancy goods and toys, obituary, special articles, paper and stationery, printing, trade notices" (Waterloo Online)
- Morriss's Trade Journal directly continues Stationery, Bookselling, and Fancy Goods, as also indicated in ad text in Smith's (Bateson p. 101; Smith's p. 589)
- Morriss’s was first published as The Stationery Trade Review (1881-1884), Edinburgh
- This evolved into The Stationery Trade Review and Booksellers’ Journal (1884-1888), Edinburgh
- This became Stationery and Bookselling (1888-1891), published by J. S. Morriss in London
- This evolved into Morriss's Trade Journal (1897-1903)
- This became The British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal (1903-1913), continued by Morriss & Birch
- This merges into The Caxton Magazine after 1913
- "Established 1881; the only journal avowedly published in the interests of the Retail Trade" (title page, 1898)--this is referring to the beginning of the journal as The Stationery Trade Review and not to the beginning of Morriss's itself
- "With the desire to stimulate trade relations between English manufacturers and buyers in such excellent markets as South and Central America and Mexico, we have made arrangements to publish every month (beginning with our March number) a Supplement, printed in the Spanish language, containing a concise summary of the articles and notices of new goods appearing in each issue. Simultaneously, a Supplement in German will also appear for the benefit of traders in countries where the German language predominates" ("Important Announcement" 1898, p. 72)
- "Still holds its position as the most 'Go-ahead' and up-to-date trade journal extant. Every issue contains interesting technical articles written by experts, besides a mine of useful notes, notices of new goods, and other practical information invaluable to all connected with the paper, printing, stationary, bookbinding, publishing, bookselling, fancy goods, toys, games, and allied trades" (Smith's p. 589)
- "The British Trade Journal and Master Printer. Comprising Stationery Trade Review, The Master Printer, Bookselling, Fancy Goods and Toy Trades Journal and Picture Postcard Chronicle. A journal covering all of the paper, printing, stationery, publishing, and fancy trades. 29th year (1911). Issued monthly by Morriss’s Trade Journal” ("Periodicals," vol. 23, no. 23, 12 Feb. 1919, p. 68)
- Bateson lists H. J. White as assistant editor on the journal in 1902; he was dismissed by Morriss, sued, and was awarded some £80 for wrongful termination (p. 653)
- Publisher's address (J. S. Morris) in 1895: 13 Paternoster Row, London (Mitchell's 1895, p. 78)
- Publisher's address (J. S. Morris) in 1898: 57-59 Ludgate Hill, London (journal itself)
Subject Categories
Sources that Discuss this Journal
- Bateson p. 101
- Mitchell’s 1895 p. 78
- "Periodicals" p. 68
- Smith's p. 382, 589
- St. Bride (online)
- Stewart vol. 4, p. 221
- Waterloo (online)
- Willing’s 1906, p. 27, 123, 382
Works Cited
- Bateson, Frederick Wilse. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 3: 1800-1900. Series editor George Watson. Cambridge UP, 1969.
- COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
- Mitchell’s Newspaper Press Directory and Advertiser’s Guide. C. Mitchell, 1895.
- NSTC (Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue), in C19: The Nineteenth-Century Index, Chadwyck-Heaney, 2020. ProQuest.
- "Periodicals." Paper, vol. 23, no. 23, 12 Feb. 1919, p. 66-68. Google Books.
- Smith's Advertising Agency, London. Successful Advertising: Its Secrets Explained by Smith's Advertising Agency. Smith's Advertising Agency, 1902. HathiTrust.
- St. Bride Foundation Catalogue, St. Bride Library, 2022.
- Stewart, James D., editor. British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. 4 vols. Butterworths, 1968.
- The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
- Willing’s (Late May’s) British and Irish Press Guide, and Advertiser’s Directory and Handbook. Willing’s Press Service. HathiTrust.