Zorn and Co.

Publisher’s or Printer’s Address(es)

  • 20 Cockspur St., London, England


  • Publisher's address (in 1867): Ogle Street, Fitzroy Square, London
  • Publisher's address (in 1868): 81 Fleet Street, London
  • Zorn and Co. were "chromolithographic printers, operating a 'Steam Chromolithographic Works' in Ogle Street, Fitzroy Square. The steam works are described in an 1868 advertisement as late belonging to the firm 'Days', i.e. the business set up in 1866 by William Day the younger (1823-1906) after he left the large printing firm Day & Son (q.v.). In 1868, after Day was declared bankrupt in February, Zorn & Co took over 'the plant, machinery, stock-in-trade, and goodwill of the businesses heretofore carried on by Mr. Day' ('The Bookseller', 1 May), including the advertising and printing of a series of Raphael cartoons published by the Extraordinary Art Union (q.v.), and 'The Chromolithograph' journal ("Zorn & Co.")

Journal(s) Printed or Published

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