The Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular

Subtitle: “A Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Printing Profession”

Related Journals

Start Date(s)

  • 1852 (Harrison et al.)

End Date(s)

  • 1875 (Harrison et al.)



  • Manchester, England

Type of Content

  • This circular "reports LSC meetings, trade news, provincial intelligence, correspondence, discussion of strikes, trade unions, 'free' press (i.e., unstamped), the Emblem, suspensions and expulsions, anniversaries, deaths, eight hour work day, Labour legislation, workman's compensation, working-class interests, housing, pensions, Labour representation" (Waterloo Online)


  • Henry Slatter, secretary of the Provincial Typographical Association, is named as both editor and publisher/printer in 1874 (no. 262, p. 8)
  • "The main features of the Circular have remained unchanged from the date of its commencement [1852] to the present day [1874]. A slight change was made four years ago, by which, through the employment of smaller type, a page was secured for making such announcements and giving information of various kinds to the members. This was generally recognised as rendering the Circular more interesting and acceptable, and it is confidently anticipated that the further step in this direction now taken will greatly increase its value as a means of explaining and furthering the principles of the Association, and improving the position of the working printer" (no. 262, July 1874, p. 1)
  • "The object of its [the journal's] founders was to supply a medium by which such information as was felt to be necessary by members of the various branches could be laid before them in a correct and accurate form" (no. 262, July 1874, p. 1)
  • Publisher's address (Henry Slatter, for the Provincial Typographical Association) in 1874: 10 Thomson Grove, Ardwick, Manchester
  • Printer's address (Whitwell): 10 Northumberland Terrace, Bagnigge Wells Rd., London

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Harrison et al. p. 378, 563
  • Shattock p. 51
  • "Typographical Circular"
  • Waterloo (online)

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