The Typographical Circular [London]

Subtitle: “A Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Printing Profession”

Related Journals

Start Date(s)

  • 1854 (Bigmore and Wyman)

End Date(s)

  • 1858 (Bigmore and Wyman)



  • London, England (Bigmore and Wyman)

Type of Content

  • "Contains reports of the Typographical Association, London and provincial branches, and correspondence. Support for 'wages increases and modification of the scale’" (Harrison p. 563)
  • Contains (1854-1858): "articles on the printing business in America, obituaries, letters to the editor, reports of societies, Provincial Typographical Association, testimonials, poetry, miscellaneous notices; LSC meetings, trade news, provincial intelligence, correspondence, discussion on strikes, trade unions, free/unstamped press" (Waterloo Online)


  • Because the break in publishing between 1853 and 1854, Score treats The Typographical Circular as a new journal, distinct from the Typographical Protection Circular: "[Its] launch was a response to inquiries 'for some medium of intercommunication' that would link the metropolis and the provinces: 'It is imperatively necessary that printers in general should have an opportunity of knowing, and calmly discussing, matters which may have a vital effect upon the welfare of the trade whereby they obtain their livelihood’" (Score p. 275)
  • "Early on it supported trade union networks, but the focus shifted to 'uniting to safeguard the terms and conditions of the craft’" (Score pp. 277-78)
  • "Having expressed, at some length, in our prospectus, what are our desires and purpose, we have thought we might more appropriately devote the little space at our disposal by diffusing as much general information into our first number, than if we were to lay before our readers a lengthened address, so common in commencing a new publication. . . . There is, however, one request which must be urged, because it is paramount of all others. . . . It is no other than to obtain ONE THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS, or names of persons to whom we can regularly send the Circular, or who will assure us that they intend to be its purchasers" (vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1849)
  • "There is no copy of this periodical in the British Museum. The paper had very brief existence, No. 4 January 21, 1859 being the last issued. Besides trade news it gave tales and literary sketches not always of a very high order" ("The Bibliography" vol. 7, p. 91)
  • Printed by Samuel Whitwell, at 10 Northumberland Terrace, Bagnigge Wells Rd., London ("The Bibliography" vol. 7, p. 91)
  • Publisher's address (Catchpool): 5 St. John's Square, Clerkenwell (London p. 28)
  • Publisher's address (Hansard): 6 Great Turnstile, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London (Literary Gazette p. 406)
  • Publisher's address (Messrs. Piper): 23 Paternoster Row, London

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • “The Bibliography” vol. 7, p. 91
  • Bigmore and Wyman vol. 2, p. 193
  • Harrison et al. p. 563
  • London p. 28
  • Score p. 275, 278
  • Shattock p. 51
  • Stewart vol. 4, p. 362
  • Waterloo (online)

Works Cited

  • “The Bibliography of Printing.” The Printing Times and Lithographer, vol. 7, nos. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, Jan.-June 1881. HathiTrust.
  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
  • COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
  • Harrison, Royden, G. B. Woolven, and Robert Duncan. The Warwick Guide to British Labour Periodicals, 1790-1970: A Check-List. Humanities P, 1977.
  • London Society of Compositors. Report of the Journeymen Members of the Arbitration Committee. London, 1847. Google Books.
  • Score, Melissa. “Pioneers of Social Progress?: Gender and Technology in British Printing Trade Union Journals, 1840–65.” Victorian Periodicals Review, vol. 47 no. 2, 2014, pp. 274-95. Project MUSE.
  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
  • Stewart, James D., editor. British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. 4 vols. Butterworths, 1968.
  • The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
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