The Stationers’ and Paper Manufacturers’ Trade Almanack
Start Date(s)
- 1853 (COPAC)
- 1840 (Willing’s)
End Date(s)
Type of Content
- Contains "postal information, society information, stamps, transfer days, Corporation of London, London bankers, Army and Navy agents, almanack, sizes of milled board, article, penny postage, table, account book sizes, eclipses, public holidays, cab fares" (Waterloo Online)
- “The Stationers’ and Paper Manufacturers’ TRADE ALMANACK for 1853 contains many Tables useful to Paper Makers, Stationers, Printers, Binders, and others; with an interesting Sketch of the Invention and Progress of Paper Making, etc., etc.” (“Royal” p. 383)
- Issued by the Stationers’ and Paper Manufacturers’ Building Society and the Stationers’ and Paper Manufacturers’ Provident Society (Waterloo Online)
- Publisher's address (J. B. Phelps) in 1853: 41 Paternoster Row, London ("Royal" p. 383)
- Publisher's address (Kent & Co.) in 1889: 23 Paternoster Row, London (Caspar's p. 1299)
- Publisher's address (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.) in 1891: 23 Paternoster Row, London (Willing's p. 109)
Subject Categories
Sources that Discuss this Journal
- British Museum Catalogue p. 299
- Caspar's Directory 1889, p. 1299
- "Royal" p. 383
- Sell 1886, p. 233
- Waterloo (online)
- Willing’s 1891, vol. 18, p. 109
Works Cited
- British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books, Supplement: Newspapers Published in Great Britain and Ireland 1801-1900. Clowes & Sons, 1905.
- Caspar's Directory of the American Book, edited by Carl Nicolaus Caspar. C. N. Caspar, 1889. Google Books.
- COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
- Sell, Henry. Sell’s Dictionary of the World’s Press. Sell’s Advertising Agency, 1883-1915. Google Books.
- “Royal Sheet Almanack.” The Publishers’ Circular, vol. 15, no. 363, 1 Nov. 1852, p. 383. Google Books.
- The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
- Willing’s (Late May’s) British and Irish Press Guide, and Advertiser’s Directory and Handbook. Willing’s Press Service. HathiTrust.