The Printing Trades’ Diary and Desk-Book

Subtitle: “Compiled by the Editor of The Printing Times and Lithographer

Start Date(s)

  • 1879 (Bigmore and Wyman)

End Date(s)

  • 1886 (Shattock)
  • 1891 (Willing’s)



  • London, England (Bibliography of Printing)

Type of Content

  • "The Bibliography of Printing" has a long entry in vol. 7, p. 117 that lists all the topics and sections in this journal; Bigmore and Wyman repeat this in vol. 2, p. 187
  • "In addition to the usual General, Commercial, and Legal Information, it will contain: A Diary, three days on a page, interleaved with Blotting Paper; the Year’s Bankruptcies, Liquidations, and Dividends Paid; the London Compositors’ Scales of Prices for News and Bookwork, Revised and Annotated; Abstracts of the Scottish and Provincial Scales of Prices; an Epitome of the Law of Libel and Copyright, as affecting Printers and Newspaper Proprietors; the Employers’ Liability Act; the Boiler Explosions Act; Tables for the Printer’s Warehouse, relating to the Sizes and Giving-out of Paper, &c.; Tables for the Storeroom, the Economy of Types, Materials, &c; Various Useful Forms, Recipes, Memoranda, &c. Merely elementary information is avoided, as the aim of the compilers is to present, in a convenient and accessible form, only useful matter, which, in the course of his ordinary occupation, the master tradesman may at any time require. All the Reference Tables have been carefully compiled, and the Recipes actually tested” (“Messrs. Wyman” p. 12)


  • “Encouraged by the fact that no attempt had hitherto been made to supply a suitable business diary for the use of the numerous and important class connected with Printing and its allied industries, the publishers brought out this work. . . . Mere elementary information is avoided, the aim being to present, in a convenient and accessible form, information which the master tradesman may require in the course of business” ("The Bibliography" vol. 7, p. 117)
  • “The publishers of the above draw the attention of all persons associated with Printing and its Allied Trades to this indispensable Trade Reference Book for 1883. Not only does it fully answer the purpose of a comprehensive Diary and Desk-Book, but it will be found by reason of the valuable Trade information running through its pages, to be of constant service to Principals, Overseers, and Managers connected with the Letterpress and Lithographic Printing, Stationery, Bookbinding, and Auxiliary Trades” (“Printing Trades” p. 269)
  • “The Printing Trades’ Diary and Desk-book is compiled each year with a view to meeting the every-day requirements of Principals, Overseers, and Managers. connected with the Letterpress Printing, Lithographic, Stationery, Bookbinding, and Auxiliary Trades” (“Messrs. Wyman” p. 12)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • “The Bibliography” vol. 7, p. 117
  • Bigmore and Wyman vol. 2, pp. 186-87
  • "Messrs. Wyman and Sons' List" p. 12
  • NSTC
  • "The Printing Trades' Diary" p. 269
  • Shattock p. 52
  • Watson p. 61
  • Willing’s 1891, p. 241

Works Cited

  • “The Bibliography of Printing.” The Printing Times and Lithographer, vol. 7, nos. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, Jan.-June 1881. HathiTrust.
  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
  • COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
  • "Messrs. Wyman and Sons' List." The Practical Telegraphist, and Guide to the Telegraph Service, edited by William Lynd. Wyman and Sons, 1884, pp. 1-12. Google Books.
  • NSTC (Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue), in C19: The Nineteenth-Century Index, Chadwyck-Heaney, 2020. ProQuest.
  • "The Printing Trades' Diary and Desk-Book for 1883." The Printing Times and Lithographer, vol. 8, no. 96 n.s., 15 Dec. 1882, p. 269. Google Books.
  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
  • Watson, George, series editor. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. 5 vols. Cambridge UP, 1969.
  • Willing’s (Late May’s) British and Irish Press Guide, and Advertiser’s Directory and Handbook. Willing’s Press Service. HathiTrust.
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