Paper & Printing Bits

Subtitle: “A Midland Paper and Printing Trades Journal”

Start Date(s)

  • 1898 (journal itself)

End Date(s)

  • 1900 (Birmingham)




  • Birmingham, England (journal itself)

Type of Content

  • Contains "advertising columns, patents, for the counting house, correspondence, removals" (Waterloo Online)


  • House organ of Willcocks, Wheeler & Co., paper merchants and wholesale stationers (Catalogue p. 24)
  • "In presenting this, our first issue of Paper & Printing Bits, would would assure our patrons that it is the intention to make it a really useful medium to all those engaged in the paper, printing, and allied trades, and who by reason of having the interests of those trades at heart will readily comprehend that there is both a useful and valuable sphere of influence for such a journal as this. There are many reasons why we should do so, and, so far as we can see, none why we should not. . . . One of our primary reasons for publishing this journal is, that we desire as far as possible to retain work (which hitherto has been sent to London and elsewhere) within out own locality. This state of things is, of course, a relic of the time when only London houses were deemed to be conducted on a sufficiently broad basis to deal with order of any magnitude. Through our advertising columns we shall endeavor to show that in Birmingham, the firms engaged in the printing, paper-making, and allied trades have developed in the Midlands at such a rate and on such extensive scale as to be able to deal thoroughly, promptly and cheaply, not only with the whole trade of the Midlands but with the business from other districts as well" ("Introduction," vol. 1, no. 1, 1898, p. 1)
  • Publisher's address: 151 & 153 Edmund St., Birmingham (Willing's 1899, p. 113)

Subject Categories


Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Birmingham p. 504
  • British Museum Catalogue p. 174
  • Shattock p. 9, 53
  • Stewart vol. 3, p. 500
  • Waterloo (online)
  • Willing’s 1899, p. 113

Works Cited

  • Birmingham Public Library. A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection. Compiled by Walter Powell and Herbert Maurice Cashmore. Cornish Brothers, 1918.
  • British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books, Supplement: Newspapers Published in Great Britain and Ireland 1801-1900. Clowes & Sons, 1905.
  • COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
  • Stewart, James D., editor. British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. 4 vols. Butterworths, 1968.
  • The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
  • Willing’s (Late May’s) British and Irish Press Guide, and Advertiser’s Directory and Handbook. Willing’s Press Service. HathiTrust.
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