The Printers’, Bookbinders’, Lithographers’, and Stationers’ Sales and Wants Advertiser

Subtitle: “The Best, Cheapest, and Only Medium in the Trade for all Wants”

Start Date(s)

  • 1887 (journal itself)

End Date(s)

  • 1962 (Shattock)




  • London, England (journal itself)

Circulation Count

  • 8,000 in 1887 (journal itself)
  • 8,200 in 1893 (journal itself)

Type of Content

  • "Register of new and second-hand machinery, engines, materials, &c., used in the above trades, also businesses for sale, auction sales, partnerships, premises to let, situations wanted and vacant, and all trade wants, novelties, new inventions & general trade news" (title page, 1911)


  • Title is sometimes shortened to just Sales and Wants Advertiser (Mitchell's 1895, p. 231)
  • Underneath title reads: "A Monthly Register of New & Second-hand Machinery, Engines, Materials, &c., used in the above Trades, also Businesses FOR SALE, Auction Sales, Partnerships, Premises to Let, Situations Wanted and Vacant, and all Trade Wants" (journal itself)
  • Title page states that guaranteed circulation "of next and succeeding issues" is 8,000 copies, but this information may not be accurate (journal itself)
  • "Indispensable to every printing office, bindery, or graphic art studio" (Ulrich and Kup p. 110)
  • This journal incorporated with The Printing Trades Journal in 1963 and eventually with The Printing World as well (Shattock p. 52)
  • Publisher's address (Dorrington Bros., in 1891): 8 Windsor Court, Strand (journal itself); Bear Alley, Farringdon Street (BLT19 Database)
  • Printer's address (C. R. Jones and Sons): 58 Lombard St. (COPAC)

Subject Categories


Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • BLT19
  • Caspar's Directory 1889, p. 1287
  • Mitchell’s 1895 p. 231
  • Shattock p. 52
  • Ulrich and Kup p. 60, 89, 110
  • Waterloo (online)
  • Willing’s 1891, p. 94

Works Cited

  • BLT19 Trade and Professional Press Database 1900. Created by Andrew King, 2020.
  • Caspar's Directory of the American Book, edited by Carl Nicolaus Caspar. C. N. Caspar, 1889. Google Books.
  • COPAC: Consortium of Online Public Access Catalogues. Library Hub Discover, JISC.
  • Mitchell’s Newspaper Press Directory and Advertiser’s Guide. C. Mitchell, 1895.
  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
  • Ulrich, Carolyn F., and Karl Kup. Books and Printing: A Selected List of Periodicals, 1800-1942. W. E. Rudge, 1943.
  • The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
  • Willing’s (Late May’s) British and Irish Press Guide, and Advertiser’s Directory and Handbook. Willing’s Press Service. HathiTrust.
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